Feature Sidebar 3

1. Intercessory Prayer—Make a list of those you hope to reach with the Adventist message. Begin praying that God will bless them each day and open their hearts and minds to accept Jesus and embrace the message of His soon return.

2. Missionary Partners—Find another church member of the same gender and ask them to become your missionary partner. They make a prayer list too. Each week you meet with them to pray for the people on each other's lists and to look for a way to demonstrate the love of Jesus to them.

3. Small Groups—As soon as possible begin a small group with your missionary partner and anyone else who will join, particularly anyone on your prayer lists. The group might be for friendship and prayer, ministry and/or Bible Studies. Some excellent Bible study guides are the Amazing Facts Basic Set and the Discover Bible lessons.

4. Reaping Meetings—Bring your friends to reaping meetings at your church or alternate location to help them reach a decision. If meetings are not scheduled soon then hold your own meetings in a home setting or alternate location using videos or DVD materials.

5. Bible Classes—Encourage all newly baptized members and interests to become a regular part of a Bible class on Sabbath morning during Sabbath School. Team up as a missionary partner with a new member as they make their own prayer lists of those they hope to reach with their newfound relationship with Jesus and His church. Help them continue the cycle.

“I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ” (Philemon 1:6, NIV).

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Featured in: September 2006
