Cave Junction Celebrates Baptisms

Cave Junction Church’s newly decorated baptistry, with waterfalls cascading to the blue water, was the colorful setting for the baptism of 12 people.

The Madrone Adventist Church School choir sang "Make Me a Servant," as sixth-grader Brittany Loncosky was baptized. Jennifer Berubee, a librarian from the Cave Junction Public Library, said her interest in the church began one year ago when her six-year-old daughter Krista attended Vacation Bible School (VBS). They have been in regular church attendance since that VBS. Neighbors to the church, Lucinda Carroll, who has a daughter attending the church school, and Joan McNeela, who has a grandson attending church school, were the next to be baptized. Others to take their stand for Jesus in a public confession of faith included Helen Hartley, Marlin Deaton, Travis and Jan Maxwell, and the Wollerton family.

Pastor Verne Hyland had the benediction and invited a show of hands for those wishing to study for the next baptism. We praise God for the many hands raised!

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Featured in: September 2006
