Nicaragua Mission Trip

My family and I have recently returned after an amazing two weeks conducting evangelistic meetings in Nicaragua’s Northwestern Mission, a new mission plant organized by the Adventist Church. The headquarters is in the mountain city of Matagalpa, situated in a region that has 450,000 people. Of these inhabitants, 34,000 are Adventist members.

As we landed in Manugua, the rain started and continued almost without stopping throughout our time in Nicaragua!

Our first meeting was on June 10, and the rain subsided briefly. We were surprised to have 250 people present, including 100 visitors! Every night, amid rain and lightning, the building was packed. People came ready to hear the message and ready to make a decision for the Lord, and we had baptisms every night.

I could tell you many stories, but I'll share just one. Jorge went to Adventist schools and had been active in Pathfinders. However, he had not joined the church. Jorge was invited to our first meeting by friends and never missed a meeting after that. After visiting with Jorge at his car painting shop and answering his questions, he said, "I'm ready. I will close my business on Sabbath for the first time, and my family and I will be in church on Sabbath morning.” Jorge and his wife were baptized Friday night.

Mr. Chaco, a local Adventist member, said, “I have never seen this happen before in this town. People are coming forward and falling into the pool like ripe oranges fall off the trees!”

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Featured in: September 2006
