Upper Columbia Academy's "New Ride"

The long-awaited day arrived Nov. 9, 2006, as Upper Columbia Academy's (UCA) new bus rolled onto campus, surrounded by excited students, faculty and board members.

Many generous donations from around the country made this day a reality. The 1994 Privost was purchased in Virginia, with recruiting/marketing director, Scott North, making the five-day trek back to Spokane with it.

“It’s a gorgeous bus, and a heartfelt thanks goes out to all donors and supporters of this project,” said Jeff Bovee, UCA’s principal.

Linnea Torkelsen, alumni and development director, shares how it all started last year when UCA received the 2006 Academy of Excellence Award. The $25,000 check that came with that award was then put toward a new bus. In recognition of receiving that award, an anonymous alumnus offered a matching grant for fellow alumni and friends of the school who would give the last $50,000 needed to purchase a good used bus. In September, only four months after launching the project, the goal was met, thanks to alumni, friends, the seniors of 2006 and many others.

As the ASB officers led out in a letter-writing campaign for a second bus, the Choraliers, gymnastics team, HOPE Task Force group and Thanksgiving home-leave riders have already put the new bus to good use in just the first few weeks of having it on campus.

Andrea Cook, a senior from Arlington, Wash., enjoys the new comfort and especially the TV screens! “The time passes so much more quickly now. It’s really nice!”

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Featured in: January 2007
