Fall Creek Outdoor Church and Baptisms

The members of the Adventist churches of Lane County gathered at the campus of the Fall Creek Church on the banks of Big Fall Creek for the annual Outdoor Church on Sabbath, Aug. 27. Some 400 worshippers relaxed in lawn chairs and on blankets to hear Ty Gibson of Light Bearers Ministry deliver a stirring message. Praise team, Emerald Echoes, and Angel Award vocalist, Vonda Beerman, shared their musical talents.

Many of the attendees returned to the banks of Big Fall Creek a few weeks later on Sept. 22 to listen to Gibson speak on Matthew 28:18–20, which compares baptism to an immersion in the character of God's love, and then see three candidates enter the brisk autumn waters of the stream to follow Jesus in baptism.

After viewing 3ABN and It Is Written television Heather and Jeremy Davis studied with Bible worker Jason Williams and several Springfield members, and made their decision for Jesus.

Paul and Vickie Hawk had earlier been baptized into Jesus and attended a Pentecostal church. During a terrible crisis in their family Bible worker John Peacock knocked on their door. Peacock had a radiance that attracted Paul and Vickie and over the next three years the three studied deeper into scripture. Vickie was re-baptized on April 4 and Paul followed Vickie and Jesus in baptism on Sept. 22. Those baptized were promptly accepted into membership in the Springfield Church.

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Featured in: November 2007
