Anatomy and Physiology Class Tours a Cadaver

Anatomy and Physiology students at Portland Adventist Academy (PAA) got an up-close glimpse of God’s design of the human body on an educational trip to the anatomy laboratory at Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU). Mark Goodman, a second-year medical student at OHSU, took the students on a fascinating tour of a cadaver.

It’s a trip the students at Portland Adventist Academy look forward to. In fact, Terry Verlo, the science teacher and vice principal, has been taking his Anatomy and Physiology class on this educational adventure for the past 15 years. “The trip ties so many learning points together,” says Verlo. “Students get to see the actual internal anatomy rather than just a picture or diagram in a textbook.” Verlo recognizes that most high school science students don’t get this kind of opportunity.

Of the 12 students on the trip, many of them would like to pursue the medical field. Their aspirations range from careers in pediatrics to physical therapy. “I want to go into medicine someday,” said senior Deanna Plubell. “I’ve always been fascinated by how the body works.”

Seeing the intricate details of the human body is an educational experience PAA students will remember the rest of their lives. “It helps them realize how fearfully and wonderfully we are made,” added Verlo.

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Featured in: February 2007
