PAA Constituency Meeting Results in a Study for Rebuilding School on Current Land

The Portland Adventist Academy (PAA) constituents met on Feb. 25 to make some exciting decisions about the future of PAA.

By 2009, TriMet’s Max light rail system will be in full operation just 100 feet away from the front of the school property. The constituency looked at different ways to deal with traffic and safety concerns while also looking at options for possible land development and much needed building updates.

Discussions with land planners and architects led administration to three options for future research. The advantages and disadvantages of each option were discussed at the meeting.

Given the choice of 1) minor remodel, 2) major remodel, and 3) rebuild, the constituency overwhelmingly voted to look at the feasibility of rebuilding PAA at its present location.

“The meeting was great,” said Dan Patchin, PAA development director. “It allowed each constituent to better understand the challenges before our leaders and to give the very essential direction to resolving the challenges in a way that will strengthen the ministry of our school.”

A report on the study will be presented at the August constituency meeting. “Please continue to pray for PAA as we look to the future,” said Gale Crosby, Principal of PAA.

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Featured in: April 2007
