Northwestern Alaska Arctic Camp Meeting Report: Selawik

For the last 10 years Jim Kincaid has organized a late-winter "camp meeting" for Northwestern Alaska. Alaska Conference administrators and selected speakers have flown to most of the villages where there has been an ongoing Adventist presence and work. The villages include Togiak, Bethel, Nome, Dillingham, Gambell, Savoonga, Barrow and Selawik.

On one of their first visits to Selawick, Kincaid and his crew met twin sisters Flora and Jo Savok. They have continued to build a friendship with them over the years, and two years ago in the spring, during a prophecy seminar held by Brian and Denise Bechthold, they made their decision to be baptized and join the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

What an encouragement it is to see them from year to year as they continue to participate in the church and bring light to the world.

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Featured in: May 2007
