Bible Worker Arrives in Prineville

The Prineville Church is excited to welcome Bible worker, Hugh Barton, his wife Alyssa, and their children Amber and Tyler to our community. Hugh, who has an excellent track record with the Sunnyside Church in Clackamas, Ore., will train church members how to do door-to-door evangelism and work with them on reaching souls for Christ in the community.

In addition to Hugh's work, the Prineville Church has started the Adventist Marathon Clinic, a program that offers classes on topics such as cooking, stress management, stop smoking and marriage enhancement. Church members and community members have both expressed interest. Through these classes, the church hopes to generate interest in Bible studies.

The congregation has been growing, from about 50 members three years ago to a membership of 84 now. Attendance has increased from 35 to 75, and now up to 100 people are coming with the opening of the new church. We look forward to filling more of the seats in our brand-new 250-seat church.

Pray for God's blessing for the work that is being done in Prineville.

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Featured in: June 2007