Digging Up the Future

The Gladstone Park Church, The Mission College of Evangelism, and the Oregon Conference sponsored an evangelistic series, "Digging Up the Future," which was held in the church from March 17–April 14. Pastor Louis Torres was the presenter for the meetings. He is the vice president at the college, located at the old Laurelwood campus. Prior to his conversion to Adventism he was the lead bass guitarist in the rock band Bill Haley and the Comets. He now plays classical music. He says,"There was a good group, and we had lots of help from the students and church members."

One of the students from the college who went door to door giving out Bible surveys last February in preparation for the meetings was Jon Stefansson from Iceland. "I am a pastoral intern taking the seven-month course. I invited an older man who brought his friends to the meetings. And there were two ladies about 20 years of age who came also. I'm waiting for the results from these contacts," he says.

"I was baptized in the 70s but fell away from the church until two men got me interested again about last camp meeting," says Dennis Dietz, a retired law enforcement officer for the post office. "Then I took Bible studies and was baptized during the current meetings." Paul Johnson, senior pastor, says there were 10 baptized during the meetings including the five that are pictured, and we are studying with 30 to 50 more precious souls."

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Featured in: June 2007
