I'll Go Where You Want Me To Go

Sharing Christ in the marketplace is the motto of Adventist-laymen's Services and Industries (ASI) and sharing the stories of sharing Christ are a big part of what the Spring Fellowship is all about. This year, during the weekend of May 3–6, ASI members gathered in Spokane Valley, Wash., to worship, renew friendships and share stories.

ASI members held elections this year and chose officers for the next two years as well as the conference lay-representatives and the conference ASI secretaries.

Northwest ASI Officers:

President: Dan Ross

General Vice President: Ted Evert

Vice President – Evangelism: Elaina Mathisen

Vice President – Communications: Linda Barton

Vice President – Membership: Ellen Butler

Treasurer: Ron Oliver

Recording Secretary: Janet Evert

ASI NPUC Executive Secretary: Norman Klam

The next Spring Fellowship will be held in Sun Valley, Idaho, May 1–4, 2008.

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Featured in: August 2007
