Emerald Women Serve Community Needs

The Emerald Adventist Community Service Center in Eugene, Ore., resumed its service to the community in August after taking the summer months off. From early fall until spring, seven ladies faithfully keep the center functioning every Tuesday from 10 a.m. to noon and 1 to 3 p.m.

Each year, they help others with clothing and household items, as well as Bibles and other Christian literature. In addition to these things, one of the unique things they do is make quilts. Last year, the ladies made over 50 quilts. Some of the quilts are given away, and others are sold. When the quilts are sold, the money is used to buy sleeping bags for people who are homeless.

Church and community members keep the shelves, drawers and racks well-stocked, and regular financial donations allow the volunteers to purchase items at low cost to pass on to clients.

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Featured in: October 2008
