Parents Find UCA Worth The Trip

At Upper Columbia Academy, the new school year has begun, bringing with it a new principal, new carpet and nearly 100 new students. Some students arrived from Spokane, Wash., and surrounding areas, while others traveled from far away.

One student Sarah Shank, a 15-year-old freshmen, has come from Africa, proving that UCA is worth the trip. When Shanks was 11, her parents Greg and Audrey moved to Africa as missionaries, becoming the only doctors at an Adventist hospital in Cameroon. Shanks was educated in public schools from first- through third-grade, and home schooled from fourth-grade through eighth-grade.

As Shank’s freshman year of high school approached, Greg and Audrey decided to enroll her in an Adventist academy. They visited 12 academies scattered across the United States, including Upper Columbia Academy. After prayerful consideration, the Shanks made their decision: She would attend UCA.

The three of them arrived at UCA on registration day among the nearly 300 new and returning students. Shanks moved into the dorm and began life at UCA. Greg and Audrey remained at UCA for three days before returning to their work in Africa. Shanks plans to visit them in Africa at Christmas, and they hope to spend summers with her.

Shank’s story is only one example of students who travel long distances to attend UCA. This year, UCA students represent four countries and 11 states. UCA is worth it. Adventist education is worth the time, money and effort that students, parents and faculty dedicate every day to make UCA a place where students grow and mature.

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Featured in: October 2008
