County Fair Booth Reaches Community

The Coquille Church sponsored a booth at the annual Coos County Fair in Myrtle Point, Ore., to promote the KLYF-FM radio station.

Their mission was to share the blessing of the programs from the 3ABN satellite downlink at the church with others in the community. Pens, books, magazines, Panorama of Prophecy CDs, CDs and other materials were available for the public. Nearly 38 people signed up to receive Bible study guides. There was also a drawing for a free Glorystar Satellite Home System and a set of The Bible Story books.

Allan Cram, one of the booth volunteers, reports that fair goers were very friendly, and it was a positive experience. Juanita Backman, who also volunteered, reports that people were very receptive to the materials. Her favorite part was giving CDs and DVDs to the children.

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Featured in: December 2008
