Boot Camp 2007 Lay Evangelism Off to a Great Start

More than 167 lay people joined a ShareHIM boot camp held Nov. 30–Dec. 2, 2007, at Camp Mivoden. We arrived with a common interest, a hunger and thirst for soul winning. From opening night it was obvious the unity we felt, was fueled by our passionate love for lost people. Christ had done something in our lives we wanted to share with others. It’s too powerful to be kept to ourselves!

The boot camp was sponsored by ShareHIM, an organization devoted to soul winning. Robert Folkenberg, elder, spent years developing a method and a means for training laymen and pastors to preach God’s truth all over the world. His emphasis recently turned toward America with meetings held all over the country. These boot camps provide a training ground to communicate the tools to help us share our faith through full evangelistic series, small groups and personal Bible studies.

We learned, to be successful, we must become experts in sowing seeds of interest in the gospel. We challenged one another to continually have “people” in our minds and hearts. We determined to form genuine relationships and foster those relationships by inviting others to join us in Bible studies. We recognized, clearly, if we are weak on sowing, we will be weak on reaping. A text came to mind “Remember this, whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously."1

ShareHIM has presentation software free to those scheduled to preach an evangelistic series. We practiced preaching in front of one another with these materials. We affirmed one other by genuinely clapping and offering encouragement.

ShareHIM fits into our Momentum thrust. It presents us with opportunities to work together for those who are far from Christ. We talked about team teaching, where two or more presenters can come together and deliver two messages each evening. What a great opportunity to work with your pastor or an elder.

We ended our weekend together with a solemn commitment. The words ringing in my ear were from the late Martin Luther King Jr. who said: “We will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” We all agreed most people are only an “ask” away. If we prepare and we form relationships and ask people to come and listen, the gospel will flourish. Everyone returned home committed to service for their Savior who saved them and changed their lives.

Are you ready to learn more? Sorry you missed out? The next ShareHIM rally with Folkenberg is Feb. 23 at the Walla Walla Eastgate Church at 3:00 p.m. The boot camp will follow on March 14–15 at Rogers School in College Place. Call the Upper Columbia Conference for further details or to register.

1 2 Corinthians 9:6

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Featured in: February 2008


Dave Livermore

Upper Columbia Conference personal evangelism and discipleship director