Good Morning, This is God

Recently I was dealing with a complicated, difficult and frustrating situation. I thought, I prayed, I fasted, I counseled.… I laid awake at night.

It reminded me of a greeting card a friend once sent me. On the cover was a picture of a cross-legged, long-robed, gray-bearded philosopher with these words, "When you're facing a difficult dilemma, remember the words of the great Wise Man." Then, on the inside of the card, it said, "Some problems ain't got no solutions!"

That's the way I was feeling. Can you relate? Sue, as spouses are so adept at doing, noticed I was conflicted and said to me, "You need to go reread the plaque on your study wall." So I did and this is what it said, "Good morning, this is God. I will be handling all of your problems today. I will not require your help."

Wow, what a difference that reminder can make. We are so very human, wanting to resolve our dilemmas, and so often forgetting God has already experienced our tomorrows. He has been there and already taken care of those challenges, be they financial, health, work, people or whatever. I guess if there is any consolation in our desire to "fix it" ourselves it's that this is not a new problem.

One time the great Martin Luther was burdened down with the weight of the Reformation—a struggle we can only partially comprehend. One day his wife, Kati, came into his room all dressed in black. Luther said, "So who died?" to which Kati replied, "God did." "What are you talking about?" he said. Kati perceptively responded, "Well, the way you have been fussing and fuming, I thought God must be dead."

Like Luther, we need to be reminded from time to time that God is indeed alive and well. And if we let Him, He will be "handling all our problems today."

"Good morning, this is God. I will be handling all of your problems today. I will not require your help."

We are so very human, wanting to resolve our dilemmas, and so often forgetting God has already experienced our tomorrows.

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Featured in: April 2008



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