Upper Columbia Academy Hosts Band Clinic Northwest Students Participate

More than 80 junior academy-age students attended a two-day band clinic at Upper Columbia Academy in February. The clinic is held every two years.

The first rehearsal was at noon on Thursday, but as Friday began so did the most intense section of the clinic. Brandon Beck, Walla Walla University music professor, came to direct the clinic band. Instrumental master classes for students were offered and taught by music professors from Eastern Washington University and members of the Spokane Symphony. Visiting music teachers attended a how-to session with Beck and Dean Kravig, UCA’s band director, on how to better teach beginning students.

At Friday night vespers, UCA’s elite instrument ensembles played several numbers, but most of the music was provided by WWU’s Brass Choir.

At the Saturday night concert the students showed family and friends what they learned. "The progress students made from Thursday afternoon to Saturday night was very rewarding as they were playing with improved balance and blend," says Kravig.

With the UCA students joining the junior academies the band had a full-sounding ensemble of more than 140 young musicians who rehearsed a total of nine hours in preparation for the final concert. In the middle of the concert, Choraliers, UCA’s elite choir, performed. This was a new feature for the clinic, a way of balancing the concert so both the vocal and instrumental aspects of the music department were allowed to shine. The concert, and the clinic, culminated with a final number performed by the clinic band.

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Featured in: April 2008
