Yakima's Youngest Committed to Outreach

The commitment of Yakima Adventist Christian School to show concern for the people of the Yakima Valley and the world community can be seen in the activities of even the youngest students.

First- and Second-Graders

Every few months, the first- and second-grade class sends packages to soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. Students have a great time choosing things soldiers may not have access to while deployed. Items like homemade cookies, chapstick, chewing gum, and even soft toilet tissue are accompanied by a picture or note from a student.

The students have been sending packages for several years, but received only a few responses until a large package arrived from Bagram, Afghanistan, recently. Maximino and Sara (Bailey) Bullock, sergeants of the Army's 82nd Airborne stationed at Bagram Air Base in northeastern Afghanistan, sent YACS a plaque. It displays the flag flown in a Black Hawk helicopter for a mission in Afghanistan. Also included in the plaque are two military coins and a signed certificate thanking YACS students and staff for their support.

The plaque is on display at the school.

Third- and Fourth-Graders

The third- and fourth-grade class chose to raise money for the Adventist Development and Relief Agency because it helps worldwide, especially during disasters, and emphasizes sharing Jesus. The class raised $175 selling Asian and Bartlett pears. "We are happy and excited to be able to send the money to help other people," say the students.

Locally, the students volunteer once a week for an hour at the Yakima Food Bank. They sort cans and organize items. Class members say, "It's fun to help people in such a hands-on way."

For Thanksgiving, students baked muffins to share with school neighbors. Each took turns with various steps. The next day, students walked through the neighborhood to deliver the muffins. Residents say they look forward to the muffins every year.

"By helping others we are witnessing for Jesus," say the students.

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Featured in: April 2008


Susan Bailey

Yakima Adventist Christian School administrative assistant