McMinnville Meetings Bring New Members

The McMinnville Church held evangelistic meetings for several weeks in March. The guest speaker was Louis Torres, Mission College of Evangelism director. He was helped by Bill Wells, a senior at the college.

Torres was born in Puerto Rico. He had four older brothers and one younger sister who passed away in her youth. His young life was hard, and the family lived in poverty. Later, after his father left, the family moved to New York. At 13, he became interested in music and was part of a popular band for a while. But something was missing in his life.

Torres attended college and became a minister; he was well-liked and has brought hundreds into the church as he has traveled around the world.

Before the meetings, Torres and students from the college came to the McMinnville community, visiting with people and giving Bible studies. More than 25 people have been baptized.

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Featured in: June 2008
