Gladstone Camp Meeting Makes Lasting Memories

With his first shot at memory making at the Oregon Conference Camp Meeting, Art Harding, a recently baptized member of the Pleasant Valley congregation, recalls what made an impression on him. “My favorite memory is the sense of family I found. Everybody was so friendly and welcoming,” explains Harding. He gave his life to Jesus after faithfully attending the meetings by Shawn Boonstra in Portland this past February.

In Oregon people have been attending camp meeting for 130 years. For many, the tradition goes back several generations with so many vivid and unforgettable experiences.

This year, thousands came to Gladstone in RVs, trailers, tents, cars and on foot to “Ponder Anew What the Almighty Can Do,” create new memories, and inspire new traditions of faith.

Some 12,000 people came to hear Miroslav Kis and Robert Folkenberg Sr. speak in the Plaza Pavilion. Children and youth tents saw sometimes dramatically increased numbers, while the volunteers at the young adult meetings had to set up extra chairs several times during the week to accommodate the overflow.

New this year were the addition of several community outreach workshops and classes. In addition to general seminars and workshops, Adventist Community Services Disaster Response Training, and Faith Community Nursing classes were offered. There was also a Fun Run/Walk on Friday morning to kick off InStep for Life, the new North American Division wellness program.

Education Day was held for the second year. Camp meeting goers were encouraged to wear school shirts and a special program was held in the Plaza Pavilion in the evening.

Adult meetings were geared toward practical ways of living the “Commission Culture” to make an impact locally, sharing Christ’s love and winning souls for Jesus. Workshops offered practical topics including parenting skills and child safety, financial stewardship, prioritizing Christ in our families, giving Bible studies, choosing a Bible, and even gardening and landscaping.

Children enjoyed programs based on the Incredible Race theme. Races, field trips, crafts, and water-based activities were all part of the fun.

Next year Gladstone Camp Meeting will be held July 14–18. Plan now to join the fun.

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Featured in: September 2008
