Seniors Show Leadership

Parents and family members from Montana and beyond traveled to Mount Ellis Academy to watch seniors lead out and display talents during senior recognition weekend, Nov. 7–9, 2008. It began on Friday night, when Joellyn Sheehy welcomed guests and Jeff Meador led out in prayer. Alden Weaver, Randy Binder, Spencer Curtis and Louis Melchor led a rousing song service. Weaver and Loren Griswold shared testimonies in between the singing. Jeremy Vandenboer, vice principal, recognized the class and thanked them for their leadership. Becki Knight, a parent, closed vespers with a prayer of dedication.

On Sabbath Angela Harris, Ciara Bruce and Amber Sheppler led out in opening exercises, and Shelbi Shrock presented special music. Loren Griswold introduced Terry Griswold, his father, as the speaker, and Randy Binder closed with prayer.

Church service once again combined the seniors and their parents. After a special music by Kaytie Knight, Spencer Curtis introduced Barry Curtis, his father, a pastor from Great Falls, Mont., and MEA alumnus ('84) to the congregation. Curtis spoke about servant leadership and encouraged the seniors to leave a legacy of Christian love on campus. Tori Liss had the benediction.

On Saturday night the entire class displayed talents and achievements when they presented The Boarding House Reach, a three-act play, to a full house. “I’m really impressed with the seniors and the way they lead out on campus,” says Darren Wilkins, MEA principal. “We’ll miss their spiritual leadership next year!”

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Featured in: January 2009
