Did You Know - October 2009

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This month’s GLEANER feature highlights Adventist Health. October has been a significant month in medical history. Here are a few key events originating in October.

October 8, 1958 — Doctor Åke Senning implanted the first internal heart pacemaker. It used only two transistors, was the size of a hockey puck, and worked for only three hours.

October 14, 1993 — Doctor Michael J. Walsh of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute announced that cystic fibrosis can be corrected by gene therapy.

October 16, 1987 — Paul Holc became the youngest person in the world to receive a heart transplant. The operation was performed by surgeons at Loma Linda University Medical Center when Holc was three hours old.

October 18, 1962 — Doctors James D. Watson, Francis Crick and Maurice Wilkins won the Nobel Prize for Medicine and Physiology for determining the double-helix molecular structure of DNA.

October 24, 1882 — Robert Koch, a German physician, discovered the tuberculosis germ. Koch received a Nobel Prize for his discoveries and is considered one of the founders of bacteriology.

October 25, 1990 — The first transplant operation of a lung from a live donor to a recipient was performed by Doctor Vaughn A. Sterns at Stanford University Medical Center in Stanford, Calif.

Source: www.todayinsci.com

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