3rd Annual Mount Ellis Academy Girls Retreat

"Jesus' love transforms. Jesus' love restores." In a thick "Capernaum" accent, Alex Harter, Azure Hills Church pastor, (in Loma Linda, Calif.,) gave a presentation at the Mount Ellis Academy girls' retreat Sept. 18-20. Thirty-six MEA female students, along with 33 volunteer mentors created a photo mosaic of a butterfly with images of the girls and nature throughout the weekend. This project was a representation of the theme, metamorphosis, and the beautiful change that Jesus works in our lives.

Harter told of the transformation that takes place when you are in the presence of Jesus. She shared the story of Jesus healing the paralyzed man in first person, as if the roof that had been taken apart to reach Jesus was her own. Her audience was captivated not only by her dramatic presentation but the love of Jesus that seemed to be reaching out to each lady there.

The amazing fall weather and beauty of the Hyalite Reservoir and its surrounding mountains provided the perfect setting for contemplating God's love and forgiveness. The weekend was filled with worship, fellowship and fun providing the girls and mentors a chance to meet and get to know each other.

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Featured in: November 2009
