World News Briefs - December 2009

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ADRA Worker Killed

The Adventist Development and Relief Agency is reporting the kidnapping and death of a staff member in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Boss Kayamba was part of a convoy of civilian vehicles, which came under attack on September 30. Kayamba was severely beaten and died on the way to a hospital. Officials say this is the 22nd attack on humanitarian workers in the Democratic Republic of Congo this year.

Source: Adventist News Network


Religious Liberty Meeting Promotes Equality

During late September, Seventh-day Adventist religious liberty advocates joined some 300 delegates from a broad range of faith communities in Colombia for discussions focused on equality among religions in the largely Catholic country. The event followed Colombia’s first Festival of Religious Freedom, an event which drew 15,000 locals, making it the third largest such event worldwide.

Source: Adventist News Network

United States

Atlanta Church Recognized for Innovation

The Atlanta-Berean Seventh-day Adventist Church is the North American Division’s 2009 Innovative Church of the Year. Church leaders recognized the Atlanta-Berean congregation, lead by Carlton Byrd, pastor, for innovative ministry through job fairs, weekly community food and clothing distributions, Habitat for Humanity projects and block-party style evangelism. Atlanta-Berean now draws more than 2,000 worshipers on a weekly basis.

Source: Adventist News Network


All Adventist Households Receive Free Magazine

In an effort to better connect with church members, publishers of the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s magazine in Germany are now providing their monthly publication free of charge to all members in the country. Starting in January 2010, AdventEcho will be available to 24,000 households in Germany. Current circulation is about 5,000. Increased delivery costs are being covered by the magazine’s publishing house.

Source: Adventist News Network


Adventist Media Organization Recognized

The Voice of Hope Media Center in Russia has been recognized as a top organization in their field. During the Elite of the National Economy ceremony in Moscow, the media center was presented the Socially Aware Enterprise award, as well as the international award for Best Company of the Year. Voice of Hope Media Center was the first Christian group to begin official broadcasts in the territory of the former Soviet Union. The first program was broadcast on October 19, 1990.

Source: Adventist News Network

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