Maranatha Volunteers Build Local Church

Twenty-five to 30 volunteers from Maranatha International came to Yacolt, Wash., the last part of September to help erect the structure for a new church building.

Volunteers came from five different states including: Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Alaska and California, representing an organization which volunteers worldwide helping construct churches, orphanages, schools and other community projects.

The Maranatha volunteers stayed in their own RVs on the church land and worked side by side with local volunteers for two weeks. "We made some great new friends," says Carl Schwartz, the leader of the Yacolt group.

Everett Collier, building supervisor and retired building contractor, was happy: "Our goal was to enclose the building before the rains would come and with all the help we were able to achieve that."

On the last Sabbath morning, an impromptu thanksgiving and praise service was held in the new building. Lutz Binus, former Yacolt pastor, points out: "Yes, we are building a structure, yet the church is more than walls and a roof — it is the people. We are reaching out to support the lives of the folks in our community."

Overall, a spirit of gratefulness could be seen. Now, it will be up to the local volunteers to continue to work on the building.

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Featured in: December 2009
