Arctic Mission Adventurers Receive Bible Worker Training

With more than 250 remote Native villages in Alaska, the Alaska Conference is intentional in its efforts to train and place lay workers in the areas beyond the reach of pastors. In January, 13 people from across Alaska gathered for training.

A few years ago, the Alaska Conference launched Arctic Mission Adventure, an initiative providing an Adventist presence in remote bush-Alaskan communities. Initially, nine villages were targeted. Today, five of those communities either have an AM Adventurer present or are in the process of getting one.

The training in January was designed to provide insights into the Alaskan culture, especially in Native communities, as well as practical how-to tips. Due to the remoteness of the communities, the opportunity to develop relationships and network with other AM Adventurers is vital to fighting the all-alone feeling.

Jim Kincaid, former Alaska Conference executive secretary, now runs a flight service in Kotzebue, Alaska and is reviving the little group of Adventists. He spoke to the group, "It is heartening to see, at long last, some hardy souls coming forward to face the challenges of ministry in one of the most beautiful and extreme places in the world."

There is no fixed profile for an AM Adventurer. One has a family of three young girls. Another is a retired widower. The common factor is their passion to reach people with the good news of Jesus.

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Featured in: March 2009
