Book Reports at YACS

Book reports are taking a different form for Yakima Adventist Christian School's fourth–sixth-grade students. Instead of a written report, students review the book by making a speech, a poster, a mobile, or even a diorama. Most students love to read and are checking out two or three books a week.

Every month, students in Mrs. Karen Wasiczko's class are assigned a specific subject to read about, like a mission story, fiction, or a biography. Then they are assigned a way to show others about the book. Most recently, the report method was a diorama. Students searched the school library for books copyrighted earlier than 1970. Most of the books chosen were written in the 1960s. The oldest book was written in 1951. The dioramas were displayed in the classroom for the YACS open house and later in the school library with the book next to it.

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Featured in: May 2009


Susan Bailey

Yakima Adventist Christian School administrative assistant