Spiritual Renaissance Builds Momentum

The 2008–2009 spiritual renaissance at Gem State Adventist Academy continues this summer as students fan out across the conference and beyond to share Jesus.

Samiu Moala, senior, will be a speaker for the Revelation of Hope meetings held in Phoenix, Ariz., prior to the ASI convention. "I'm so glad I ended up at GSAA this year because it gave me the opportunity to discover my passion—preaching!" he says.

Approximately a dozen students will be involved in the Magabook program distributing Adventist books door to door in multiple cities. Led by four trained literature evangelists, the students are staying in churches and schools.

Thanks to a grant from Versacare, Inc., three students will earn scholarship money leading out in VBS programs and youth rallies around the conference. Under the direction of John Bryson, youth coordinator, and Kathy Iwasa, assistant dean, students will build friendships with public school teens at each venue and encourage service involvement.

Twelve Gem State students are working at Camp Ida-Haven. These teens will witness while leading out in various camp activities.

Josh Hester, sophomore, will work with Jim Berglund, Caldwell (Idaho) Church pastor. Berglund saw Hester's potential while working on the Revelation of Hope meetings. Subsequently he will be the church youth ministries coordinator.

We praise God for providing so many meaningful avenues for students to earn scholarship monies and at the same time advance His kingdom.

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Featured in: July 2009
