Livingstone Student's Testimony Impacts Classmate

When Michelle Collum's aunt first suggested she attend Livingstone Adventist Academy for ninth grade, Cullum was skeptical. She had always attended public school and knew nothing about Adventists. She was afraid a church school would be very strict and would offer no fun activities.

Despite her initial reluctance to attend a Christian high school, Collum was tired of the bullying she witnessed every day at her public school. After talking with her cousin, who had attended Livingstone since kindergarten, Collum decided to give it a try.

Within a month, Collum's opinion of Christian schools had changed completely. She began thinking about the role God should play in her life, but felt she knew too little to consider it seriously.

That changed in February when the students went for a two-day spiritual retreat to Silver Falls State Park near Silverton, Ore. One evening at the retreat, Blake Houser, a senior, felt impressed to share his testimony. Houser talked about how he struggled in his own spiritual life. He recalled when he was spiritually flat on his back, feeling lost and at a crossroads. Houser attended a youth group and found a connection to God. He realized God was always there for him, unconditionally, just because He loved him.

Collum felt God speaking to her through Houser's words. His experience paralleled her own. For the first time, she sensed a purpose for her life. That evening, she gave her life to Jesus. She is planning to be baptized.

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Featured in: July 2009
