Seeing Jesus Through Children's Eyes

A Vacation Bible School, Creation Camp, was recently held on the reservation near Plummer, Idaho. Diana Pierce, VBS coordinator, says, "Native Americans already believe in the Creator so that was our starting point." There were nearly 50 Native American children in attendance the first day and the numbers kept growing. However attendance was secondary compared with the children's thirst for truth and answers.

The children wouldn't settle for New Testament only versions, but wanted the "big" Bible. When Pierce read texts, they wouldn't let her continue until they all found the texts in their Bibles.

Pierce says an eight-year-old girl named Faith had tears streaming down her cheeks when she heard Jesus died on the cross for our sins.

It was a great, made from scratch, VBS — complete with rocks, shells, nests, tie dye shirts and fry bread. The week held perfect weather instead of the predicted rain. Pierce says, "Only God could coordinate all the details so beautifully!"

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Featured in: September 2009


Kathy Marson

Upper Columbia Conference communication administrative assistant