Changed Lives in Springfield

The first time Willie Kumle came to church he said, "The Bible says the seventh day is God's Sabbath. We're looking for a Sabbath-keeping church." After the service, Kumle met Lutz Binus, Springfield (Ore.) Church pastor. Binus found Kumle and his extended family had been studying the Bible for months. He joined their group, and church members rallied to welcome them.

Kumle's cousins, Ron and Krystina Holliday, and Kumle's brother and sister-in-law, Patrick and Jovonna White, were baptized Feb. 13. Earlier, Ron had been flipping through TV channels and found Steve Wohlberg talking about Revelation. "He opened my eyes," says Ron.

Patrick says, "I resisted at first, but finally prayed 'what direction shall I take for my family, not just for myself?'" Now, each week he and Bob Biggs, Springfield Bible worker, go door to door sharing the good news.

Kumle and his wife, Carrie, were baptized April 24.

Randy Stone had been coming to church for 14 years after marrying his Adventist wife, Darla, yet he had not made a decision. Stone was attending a men's group when Binus asked him what was keeping him from taking this step. "I can see clearly everything — except I have a big question about Ellen White," Stone answered. Later Stone shared: "Out of the blue we got this book in the mail, The Great Controversy. I started reading and couldn't put it down." He was baptized Jan. 30.

Randy Peck, a Bible student from Biggs, Ore., joined in baptism after coming to church for two and a half years. He says, "I am eagerly looking forward to the new life Jesus has for me."

The Springfield Church baptized 11 people between January and April.

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Featured in: October 2010
