Moses Lake Church Walks Like Egyptians

Every night during the week of July 12–16, costumed figures gathered in the Moses Lake (Wash.) Church yard to take children back in time to ancient Egypt. Together, in family groups, they became a part of history as they saw, heard, touched and even tasted what it was like to live in Bible times during the time of Joseph.

The hands-on adventure allowed children to explore marketplace shops where they made crafts like sandals, baskets, wooden boats and barley bread. They visited Joseph as he journeyed from prison to palace and shared his struggles to learn forgiveness. In the Pyramid Playground, they played games, such as hula hoop lasso, chariot races and fishing in the Nile. During celebration times, they sang and danced to lively praise songs with an Egyptian twist.

As they lived the Bible, children learned through experience how God gives us hope, special abilities, wisdom, forgiveness and family.

For both children and staff, Joseph's journey brought God's word to life with new meaning. Each night families wrote down God sightings — things they had seen or experienced reminding them God was in their lives — on special stones. These stones were used to build a pyramid monument to God's interaction with his children. Each family also helped make a "God Loves Me" blanket for Operation Kid to Kid. These blankets, along with felt hearts with each child's name, will be sent to Africa to comfort AIDS orphans.

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Featured in: October 2010
