Church Member Trades Nap for a GLOW experience

On Sabbath afternoon, July 10, what I wanted to do most was go home and take a nap since it was my first Sabbath home after spending two weeks working hard at the General Conference ABC. Through several providential experiences, Jeff Kimmel, literature ministries leader for the Idaho Conference, had presented the GLOW (Giving Light to Our World) program at the Meridian Adventist Church that morning. Sabbath afternoon was going to be our first opportunity to put GLOW to work — we were covering the local area, passing out GLOW tracts and praying with our neighbors.

As I drove home from church, my conscience and the Holy Spirit were working on my heart convicting me that perhaps passing away the afternoon by sleeping was not the best choice. About midway through Sabbath lunch, I called Jeff to see if was too late to join them—he assured me it was not.

After some brief instructions and prayer, eight of us paired up and set out on foot. Jeff was my partner, and about five houses down our assigned street we approached a home where the residents were obviously moving out. We spoke with one of the movers, gave him a GLOW tract, and struck up a conversation. Meanwhile, a young woman, Melissa, was listening in the background. When she realized we were from the Meridian Seventh-day Adventist Church across the street she said "Wow! A few months ago I was studying with a really neat young lady from your church, but she moved out of the area so the Bible studies were discontinued." We realized she had been studying with Sasha Majia, a Bible worker who worked with our church earlier this year. Melissa agreed to let us pray with her and she invited us inside. Before we prayed, she shared with us her grandfather recently died and she was moving in with her grandmother a couple blocks away. After praying, Melissa indicated she would be interested resuming Bible studies after she had moved and settled in.

We were so excited! It was apparent God in His providence was working. Had any of the student workers contacted this home, they wouldn't have been acquainted with Sasha and the outcome might have been very different. The rest of the afternoon passed quickly. We made several great contacts and the other pairs all had some awesome experiences. One participant commented, "I wish we could do this every Sabbath!"

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Featured in: October 2010


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