An Angel Held the Keys

Could the God of the universe be interested in something as lowly as keys?

My wife, Ginger, and I are once again convinced that God knows about, is interested in and will answer prayers concerning the simplest of, albeit meaningful, experiences of life.

We are retired teachers living near Diamond Lake, Wash., and we spend summers taking our food concession booth, The Haystack Palace, to fairs and festivals in three states. Our goal is not only to sell healthful food, but to make as many friends as possible, model Christian behavior, share the GLOW tracts and give away my wife's music CDs featuring Christian piano music.

We had just participated in a July event near Portland, Ore., and were returning home when a cell phone conversation indicated that we would be able to connect for a few minutes with our daughter and her family at a popular tourist stop on Highway 395 near Pasco, Wash. Our daughter Renae Young, husband Joe and three kids had just flown into Spokane from Illinois, stayed at our empty house and were borrowing our car for two weeks to take care of some important adoption business in the Walla Walla, Wash., area. We had a nice few-minute reunion and in the process of hugs, my wife laid down and left our important trailer keys on the slippery-surfaced trunk of our Dodge Intrepid. A few hours later in Spokane, I noticed that this important set of keys was missing and as soon as we got home, we went through the truck and trailer from top to bottom looking for them without success. This was a time of many prayers!

We decided to call our daughter to see if they had noticed any keys.

Meanwhile, I had cut off one lock, disassembled another lock and had emailed a locksmith for some needed help. Our daughter called back some time later telling us that a man had gotten their attention at a shopping center in Walla Walla saying that he noticed some keys on their car trunk.

They didn't know whose keys they were but decided to drop them at a nearby Salon in case someone asked for them. When we described the keys to her, she said they were the very ones and gave us the phone number of the Salon. We found out the Salon employees had the keys and would be open until 8 p.m. (about 15 minutes left). Our daughter rushed down in time to not only get the keys but also to share the miraculous story with them. The keys stayed on that slick trunk for approximately 40 miles of fast highway driving plus several stops and turns in Walla Walla.

Praise God for his goodness, intervention and answered prayers in our daily lives.

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Featured in: October 2010



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