Sentinels Pathfinder Club Learns About Loyalty

On a hot Friday afternoon in July, the Five Falls Sentinels Pathfinder Club from Great Falls, Mont., headed into the Little Belt Mountains for their summer campout. The theme for this year’s campout was loyalty. Bert Wredberg, co-director, shared stories from the Bible about the importance of loyalty to friends, family and God. He discussed what it means to be loyal and how Pathfinders could have divided loyalties trying to fit into the world instead of following God’s way. Pathfinders demonstrated what they had learned by performing skits on loyalty taken from Bible stories.

Pathfinders also enjoyed hiking around one of the only manned-fire lookout towers in Montana, picking and pressing wildflowers for the flower honor, and fishing for trout. Leza Winters, co-director, helped the Pathfinders work toward the campfire and camp cookery honor by showing them how to cook their own meal over a campfire.

When asked if he enjoyed himself, Pathfinder Colin Vercio said, “Yes! Let’s go again when it snows and get the winter camping honor.”

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Featured in: November 2010
