Vacation Bible School at Oroville Church

Vacation Bible School in Oroville, Wash., featured a study of the kings and queens of the Bible. The throne room had a red carpet entryway for the royalty, flags, brightly colored royal drapes and a table setting complete with golden goblets. Linda Ritter was not only the director but also queen with her husband, Rod, as king. Rod is a new convert who was baptized on Sept. 4.

Golden "kingdom coins" were earned by participating in various activities, such as learning the memory verse, bringing a friend to VBS, completing crafts, singing, listening during storytime and demonstrating sportsmanship at recess. Kingdom coins could be exchanged for a vast number of articles in the king's storehouse.

For a mission project, students were told of the schools of the prophets in Bible times where young people were trained in the Lord's work. They learned of a modern-day school of the prophets located just beyond the mountains from Oroville where young people today are trained to work for the Lord. It is called Young Disciples and they had a big need for transportation since their former bus was no longer running.

Throughout the week, leaders referred to this need as a need for a chariot. The children brought donations to help out the Young Disciples School. One non-Adventist girl brought pennies to donate each day — 1,487 pennies in all. Through the faithfulness of all the children and the generosity of church members, the VBS group was able to deliver $1,031.17 to the school, just enough to complete the funds needed for a bus.

While the VBS attendance was not large, members feel the project was a huge success and are anticipating a larger number in the program next year as word has spread throughout the community.

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Featured in: November 2010
