Week of Prayer Sets Students on Fire UCA has 13 Baptisms to begin the school year

Tears of joy and love flowed through out the final Friday meeting of Upper Columbia Academy’s Fall Week of Prayer. Many students huddled in a tight circle on the stage praying with each other for strength, encouragement, and forgiveness. Several staff members could be seen in the pews praying with the students as well. The emotions built up during the week were released and several students made their life-changing declarations for God.

Ron Sidney, Pasco Ephesus Church pastor, was the speaker. Capturing the attention of students and staff alike, he gave them tips on how to have a strong devotional life and be filled with God. Using members of the audience, he acted out Bible stories to illustrate his point. His stories and humor as well as his passion for God swept over everyone.

The things Sidney taught will stay in our minds forever. The students learned the meaning of desire, how to desire God, and how to have a powerful devotional life. To have a strong devotional life you have to be humble, pray and communicate with God as much as possible, learn God’s love language by reading his love letter the Bible, and let go of the things in your life that God wants you to let go of. The chosen spiritual theme for this year is “Empty? ... Be filled!” A strong devotional life will help the students accomplish their goal of being filled with God.

All week, twice a day, the students met in the church and lifted their hearts to God. According to one student, “God was there. I could just feel it!” Another student said, “I gave my heart to God this week and I felt so free! I haven’t cried this much in a long time!” These feelings did not fade away once Sabbath rolled around but were strengthened as six students were baptized during the church service. Two students were baptized later in the day as well and two more students were baptized earlier in the week bringing the total number of baptisms to thirteen students this year. The spirituality of the week still has not dissipated because when a student body is filled with God, there is nothing Satan can do to stop it.

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Featured in: December 2010
