Secrets of Life Brings Hope to Thousands

Esperanza had a beautiful family, a nice home, excellent health and a prosperous Mexican restaurant. But she was still lacking something. Empty, lonely and spiritually starved, she knew she needed God in her life, but her business kept her so busy she barely had time for her family, let alone church. One day as she served customers, she realized she needed a meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ. Esperanza, whose name means hope, is one of more than 350 people baptized in the North Pacific Union during the NAD Hispanic NET meetings held Oct. 23–31, 2009, from Portland, Ore. The satellite series was titled: SECRETOS DE LA VIDA with Ramon J. Canals, NPUC evangelist. The meetings were aired by Esperanza TV throughout the North American Division and other countries. The meetings were a result of the combined and united work of lay people, pastors and church administrators at all levels. More than 500 small group leaders were trained to invite friends to their homes, teach Bible studies and prepare people for the meetings. More than 500 satellite dishes were purchased and installed in homes and churches, including 11 Pentecostal homes. Hispanic pastors and church leaders had a goal of baptizing 1,500 people. Additionally, they wanted to train 500 small group leaders and plant five churches. As part of their strategy, that same week, they offered free medical services to the community. More than 1,200 people were given medical care during the day. Services included diabetes and cholesterol testing, medical and dental exams, eye examinations, chiropractic treatments as well as cooking and preventive medicine classes. Organizations that participated included: Pacific University Optometrist Department, Tuality Healthcare — Salud Services, Medical Teams International and Calderon Chiropractic Clinic, as well as several doctors and volunteers from private institutions. Nearly 200 people from the community were lined up for registration two hours before the nightly meetings. About 50 percent of those who came for medical reasons stayed for the meetings. Now Esperanza and thousands of people across North America have hope in the second coming of the Lord.

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Featured in: February 2010


Ramon Canals

North Pacific Union Conference vice president for Hispanic ministries