Gladstone Camp Meeting Cancelled for 2010

It is with deep regret we announce the cancellation of Gladstone Camp Meeting 2010. This has been an extremely hard decision to make considering the value and blessing camp meeting has been to so many of our members, but without the funds available we feel to move ahead would be irresponsible.

We received just over $70,000 in pledges for which we are very grateful. We know each of you who pledged dollars in support of camp meeting did it with a generous spirit and from your heart, and we want you to know how very much it means to us. Throughout our Town Hall meetings we were personally made aware finances are tight right now for the majority of our members. The response we received was just over one quarter of the requested $250,000 needed in order to go ahead this year. We asked for pledges instead of cash, so if you made a pledge it is cancelled since it was directly related to an event that is now not happening.

We looked at the possibilities of running a reduced event but realized much of the preparation and infrastructure would need to be present given our usual attendance of 12–15,000 over the weekend. This would result in small savings and would have pushed our costs over the amount pledged.

Those who have already given an amount for camp meeting can either have the funds reimbursed or redirected toward another fund, such as conference evangelism, television ministry or future camp meeting expenses. Those who have prepaid registration fees for camping can contact Jayne Johnson and either apply fees paid toward Camp Meeting 2011 or receive full refunds.

We realize the Oregon Conference Camp Meeting is a core event for supporting and nurturing spiritual growth conference wide. Please know this decision to cancel camp meeting came after much prayer and did not come lightly. We have already begun to prayerfully make concrete plans for next year’s camp meeting program.

If you have questions regarding this decision or ideas that will make Camp Meeting 2011 a greater blessing, please call me directly or contact any of the Oregon Conference administration.

We want you to know the Oregon Conference is still very committed to the Gospel Commission and is looking creatively at ways to continue to support church families as they spread God's love throughout their communities across Oregon and Southwest Washington.

Please join me in praying God will continue to bless and guide as we give all of this over to him and that he will continue to make his plans for our conference family clear to all of us. Thank you for your understanding and support.

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Featured in: May 2010
