Women Grow in the Spirit

Women from the Veneta, Santa Clara and Junction City (Ore.) churches decided to combine resources. They coordinated a women’s ministries mini retreat, hosted by Junction City, called “Growing in the Spirit.” Last year, the three groups met at the Santa Clara Church, and Veneta Church is eagerly planning the gathering for next year.

During the welcome, Carolyn Fields, local women’s ministries leader, reviewed projects completed by area women’s ministry groups and shared those in progress. One project is Bags of Love. Completed bags are filled with desired items and given to children removed from homes in crisis situations.

Leota Bliss shared gardening wisdom and how this activity provides closeness to the Creator and his love.

In her personal testimony, Lynda Lydick counseled the group to be aware of the importance of their influence as women of God.

The Family Life Center bustled with activity from early morning, preparing a tea luncheon for more than 60 women. Along with delightful teapots loaned for the event, pussy willows and daffodils atop pastel green, pink and yellow linen added an impression of spring to the food and fellowship.

Lunch was served by Krystal Bliss and four other women from Laurelwood Academy: Karena Kuebler, Victoria Kuebler, Clareesa Kuebler and Hannah Boram.

One participant says “I am thankful for a time set aside for the Lord with other women.”

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Featured in: May 2010
