Musical Showcase at Upper Columbia Academy

One hundred and nine music students from around the Northwest and Canada visited Upper Columbia Academy in February for a three-day band clinic. Amidst the tumult of the 80-member UCA concert band, students experienced an environment of learning, growing and spectacular band music.

The clinic aims to help students achieve a higher level of music performance than might be possible at their own schools; experience the thrill of playing with a large group of musicians; and highlight the UCA experience. Schools from across Upper Columbia Conference and even a group from Calgary, Alberta, Canada, joined in the fun.

This year's repertoire was entirely sacred by design. "It helps students understand there is a lot of exciting, fun, sacred music written for band," says Dean Kravig, UCA band director.

A Sabbath afternoon concert for an audience of nearly 500 people climaxed the event where the musicians shared their experience without saying a word. Says Kravig, "It was great fun to challenge them and have them rise to the occasion so beautifully. Not only were we able to showcase their talents, but also highlight the great things happening with music at UCA. I know of at least three students who decided to come to UCA based on their clinic experience."

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Featured in: May 2010