Friends Helping Friends Team Heads to Warm Springs

During spring break, March 21–26, the Friends Helping Friends Mission Team took 37 youth and adults to the Warm Springs Native American Reservation in Warm Springs, Ore. The team had 23 youth hailing from nine Adventist churches in California, Oregon and Washington.

They scraped, primed and painted the exterior of one home, cleaned the grounds of two communities and covered a variety of facility repairs for the Boys and Girls Club. A number of adults worked as chaperones with the native children on a field trip to the Portland Zoo. The teens also ran a four-day Vacation Bible School at the recreation center on the reservation, where they led out in group games, crafts, snacks and worship songs. This was topped off with Mr. K's Nature Gallery and scientific experiments. More than 90 children were able to experience the wonders of God's creation. They witnessed a geyser and saw rocks glow in the dark using ultraviolet light. On the last day, the children raced pinewood derby cars they had made during craft time. Every boy and girl was a winner.

The goal of Friends Helping Friends Missions ministry is to give an opportunity for adults, children and teens to serve God by helping those who have a need in their own communities or abroad. The next trip may be scheduled for this August, but if that's not possible, it will definitely be scheduled for March 2011. Contact Friends Helping Friends by e-mail at

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Featured in: June 2010
