Octogenarian Missionary Makes an Appeal

Dan Rotthoff, a missionary in Arctic Alaska, has dedicated the rest of his life to winning souls to Jesus. He has just finished his second year in Togiak, Alaska, a small village on the Bering Sea. Here is an excerpt from a recent letter he wrote to friends and family:

I want to make every attempt I can to encourage others to become involved in mission work. I know there are many who, along with me, long to see the day when Jesus will return and bring to an end all the pain, trouble and death. We can all work together to hasten that day if we invest ourselves in determined effort to let the world know about that longed-for event. The thought of my personal involvement as an active missionary had not really been considered. How I would like to have presented the idea to my wife, Margie, when we were younger. What memories we could have built. If you are single, as I am after having lost Margie; if you are married and even if you have children, there is a place that you could fit in. Maybe here in Alaska or in some other mission field, but if this is not a possibility, perhaps you can help support others. Think about it! Whatever decision you make, get involved one way or the other for your own spiritual growth as well as aiding the proclamation of the gospel message to others.

Praise God for Rotthoff and other like-minded Arctic Mission Adventure volunteers.

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Featured in: January 2011
