Milo Academy: News for the New Year

The 2011–2012 school year brings exciting new things to Milo Adventist Academy.

The new spiritual theme is “Stand Up. Stand Firm,” taken from I Corinthians 16:13, which says, “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong.”

Milo is also pleased to welcome a number of new staff members to our campus:

Lunelle Bertresse, girls’ dean, comes from Southern Adventist University has a master’s degree in social work. Her previous experience includes three summers as a counselor at Camp Hawthorne in Florida and a year as the assistant girls’ dean at Dakota Adventist Academy in Bismarck, N.D. She brings a contagious smile, love for kids, excitement, energy and a desire to share God’s love.

David and Michelle Candy, boys’ dean and ESL teacher, along with their two boys, come from Hong Kong, China, where he was an administrator at Hong Kong Adventist College. David is looking forward to helping the boys learn to make good choices and he believes in the importance of modeling a good Christian life.

Brian Igarta is the new sous chef. He is known as the Maui Chef from his days in Hawaii and has written his own cookbook, specializing in tasty vegan cooking.

Ebba Mead is the taskforce assistant girls’ dean. She believes that the future is in our youth and is excited about being where she can help shape our students’ future and bring them closer to Christ.

Dwayne Rogers, maintenance and grounds director, and his wife, Colleen, have returned home. The Rogers were members of Milo’s staff in the '90s. For the past 16 years, Dwayne has been in charge of maintenance at the Laurelwood campus in Gaston, Ore. He brings a quiet, steady and capable personality and an intense love of sharing God.

Chris Walker, taskforce assistant boys’ dean, is from Virginia and someday wants to be a youth pastor. He is looking forward to working with our youth, helping kids grow spiritually and mentally.

Sadie Wren is our new English teacher. She has just completed her undergraduate degree and teaching certification at Union College in Nebraska. Her experience also includes summers at Jr. Camps. She played collegiate volleyball and was very active in student government and leadership at the university level. She brings a lot of enthusiasm for English, a passion for peer ministry, a love for the outdoors and an even bigger love for Jesus!

Milo is looking forward to the new year and its challenges and joys, knowing that with Christ, we can stand up and stand firm, for the Lord is coming soon.

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Featured in: October 2011
