2011 Men's Retreat

There is probably no men's retreat on the face of the planet which is as clearly designed for men who love the Lord and the great Alaskan out-of-doors than the Alaskan Men's Retreat. For this, men must relish the challenge of getting there — whatever the weather. From negotiating boggy mud-holes to fording white-water rivers on four-wheelers, some come in by small aircraft (limited to a 900-foot runway that ends a few yards short of a talus slope); yet 99 men came to the 2011 Alaskan Men's Retreat.

Dwight Nelson, Pioneer Memorial Church senior pastor, was the keynote speaker. Pioneer Memorial is on the Andrews University campus in Michigan. In his concluding remarks on Sunday morning, Nelson walked participants through a practical 20-minute plan for daily devotions.

The retreat was coordinated by Dan Whatley and other volunteers. It is traditionally a weekend of spiritual renewal. What makes it unusual is it is held at a gold-mining site, operated by Kent Sandvik on the bank of the Caribou. Both Whatley and Sandivik are members of the Palmer (Alaska) Church.

Men enjoyed a practical, Spirit-filled weekend during the retreat.

If you would like an electronic copy of Nelson's outline for daily devotions, email Thearon@StaddonCPA.com for your free copy.

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Featured in: November 2011
