Eureka Youth Reach out with Health Evangelism

The Eureka (Mont.) Church youth class gave their time and talents to reach out to their community in advance of an evangelistic series held in March.

The youth staged a series of six cooking classes from November 2010 through May 2011 at the Eureka Prompt Care facility. One youth designed colorful posters to advertise each cooking class.

Prior to the cooking demonstrations, the youth presented short health talks on subjects ranging from "brain food" and the benefits of breakfast to the immune system, diabetes, weight control and exercise. Each class featured recipes from themes like breakfast foods, healthy desserts, soups and salads, entrees, breads and meals-to-go.

The youth prepared and shared samples of the recipes with class attendees, who discovered that healthful cooking could be tasty as well as nutritious.

Those attending the classes not only received valuable health information from the lectures, but also a handout of the recipes demonstrated during class. Many attendees expressed genuine appreciation for the information shared and for the opportunity to learn how to prepare healthful food.

Attendance grew with each class, and many contacts were made for the evangelistic series. The youth were grateful the Lord used them to reach out to those who needed to hear Bible truth as well as the health message.

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Featured in: December 2011
