Springfield Church begins New Year with Prayer and Baptisms

Soft music and candlelight provided a meditative background for the Springfield (Ore.) Church Jan. 14–15.

Members participated in a New Year's Eve Prayer Vigil until midnight, praying quietly, thanking God for His provisions during the past year and soliciting His guidance for the New Year. The worship theme for the year had been chosen: "Sit, Walk, Kneel, and Stand in the Presence of God." March 2011 was set aside to focus on prayer and study the book Forty Days of Prayer by Dennis Smith, pastor and author from Arizona.

God did not wait long to provide a providential opening in Pastor Smith's schedule during the middle of January. "Some friends called and offered us the opportunity to host a weekend of spiritual renewal with Pastor Smith," says Lutz Binus, Springfield Church pastor. "We already had plans in place for our worship services in January, but God decided this was more important." Many participants from other area churches joined the seminar which centered on three main areas: how to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit; how to let Christ empower daily living; and emotional healing.

A spirit of united searching and prayer for God's Spirit was felt all weekend long and culminated in a special time of prayer and anointing Sabbath afternoon. Participants realized how important forgiveness and emotional healing are to spiritual growth and even physical healing.

Another highlight for the Springfield Church was the welcoming of Bob and Satrena Boone, and Dale Gramley by baptism and profession of faith. The Boones had already learned about the Sabbath, but through studies and watching Better Life Broadcasting Network had come to the conviction they wanted to make a stronger commitment to their Lord and Savior. Dale had been coming to church for many years already, studied with Bible worker Bob Biggs and was excited about her baptism. "I am amazed how God is working in a special ways to draw individuals to Himself," says Binus.

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Featured in: March 2011
