UCC Members Plan Hospitality Weekends

At the recent Upper Columbia Conference pastors' retreat at Camp MiVoden, Bob Folkenberg Jr., UCC president, shared an initiative to help members be intentional about their outreach efforts.

The Share the Table initiative encourages members to plan to invite someone to share a meal with them the weekends of May 14 and Sept. 24. These two hospitality weekends are a time when all UCC members can join together in outreach.

Folkenberg says, “Whether at home, a park or somewhere else, the goal is to fellowship with people who you don’t currently associate with.”

UCC members are encouraged to select someone they would like to invite for a meal and begin praying for that person or family and begin nurturing friendships now.

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Featured in: March 2011


Jay Wintermeyer

North Pacific Union assistant to the president for communication and Gleaner editor