Sharing God's Love Pathfinder Fair 2011

It's a typical cloudy spring day outside, but inside it's an exciting, fun-filled celebration of Pathfinder ministry.

The Oregon Conference Pathfinder Fair was held May 15 at the Linn County Fairgrounds in Albany, Ore. The day started with 36 Pathfinder clubs from around the conference arriving in time to set up their booths displaying the “Sharing God’s Love” Pathfinder theme and honors they had worked on throughout the Pathfinder year.

With Internet live streaming on the Oregon Conference website, the opening ceremonies started with the Pathfinder Parade led by the Pleasant Valley (Ore.) Panthers color guard and followed by more than 850 Pathfinders and staff in dress uniform. A welcome was given to the more than 1,000 attendees and those online by Tracy Wood, Oregon Conference Pathfinder director. Fay Ziegele from Hood River, Ore., was recognized for 58 years of Pathfindering. She has decided to retire and says, “It is time to let younger people take the lead.”

Following the opening prayer, Al Reimche, Oregon Conference president, and Pathfinders recited the theme text for the year. Then, at the invitation to all Pathfinders in grades 9–12 to come forward, 109 teens flooded the stage for the reciting of the Pathfinder Pledge and Law and singing the Pathfinder Song. Next was the recognition of Pathfinders and staff who had been baptized during the past year. More than 60 people filled the stage as 15 pastors from around the conference pinned the Pathfinder baptismal pin on those who had not already received it in their club. Three Pathfinders were invested as teen leadership trainees through the Teen Leadership Training program for grades 9–12. Brenden Teal, Whipple Creek (Wash.) teen Pathfinder, was invested as a Master Guide.

The day continued with clubs performing drill and march routines, Pathfinders participating in honor activities at club booths, and Big Lake Youth Camp staff facilitating pinewood derby races. Club teams had practiced for the event relays: Healthy Edible Car Race; Treasure Transport; and a Sharing God’s Love — Surprise relay. Much delicious food was prepared by eight clubs and willingly consumed throughout the day.

The closing ceremonies wound down the fair as many awards were made to clubs and individuals. Milo Adventist Academy presented six Pathfinder scholarships, and Big Lake Youth Camp gave a free week of summer camp to a Pathfinder. The day closed as Grants Pass (Ore.) color guard retrieved the colors and Reimche gave the closing prayer. What a day of celebrating ministry — Pathfinder style.

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Featured in: July 2011
