North View Adventist Church New in North Spokane

John Bradshaw, speaker-director of It Is Written, opened the first weekend of the Revelation Today Bible Prophecy Seminar on March 18 at the Farwell Elementary School Auditorium in North Spokane. Local pastor and church planter, Wayne Kablanow, presented the messages the following three weekends. This is the first of many community outreach initiatives planned by the North View Seventh-day Adventist Church.

North View Adventist Church exists to help people experience a saving relationship with the Creator God who loves us with a passionate love as He is revealed in the Bible. It is structured as a missionary movement, and every member of this church is a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ proclaiming with love the Three Angels' Messages.

North View began as a small group in January, meeting in the private home of Ken & LaVonne Iblings. It has rapidly grown into a company which now rents the Mead United Methodist Church for Sabbath services and Wednesday night prayer meetings.

The mission to reach the community for Christ is on-going. Following the evangelistic series, Noli Arboleda, church elder and professional financial advisor, is instructing a free (except for a nominal fee of $6.00 for materials) class on Christian financial planning. Pastor Wayne Kablanow is presenting a series of studies in the book of Hebrews on Wednesday nights. Steve Wohlberg of Whitehorse Ministries will present information about literal-spiritual Israel on June 25, and in August, another evangelistic series is planned.

1. Picture: North View church members who greeted and registered participants.

From left to right: Aster Arboleda, Cheryl Collins, Jeanine Kablanow, and LouAnna Henderson.

2. Picture: Panorama shot of opening night.

3. Picture: Group photo at the end of the 1st weekend.

John Bradshaw, standing, back row on left.

Jeanine and Wayne Kablanow, kneeling, front row on far right.

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Featured in: July 2011
